To Solve Skills Gap GE Retrains Workforce
GE, a company synonymous with American manufacturing, has recently undertaken an initiative to retrain 150,000 workers to make them better suited to the new more tech-heavy environments the company sees as the future of manufacturing. While the Internet of Things is still in its infancy, GE has been at the forefront of a movement to reshape the manufacturing for the 21st century.
As productivity increases and the manual labor part of the job decreases, factory workers must become more predictive and interactive. At GE for example, longtime machinists and technicians are now being teamed with data analytics experts.
Such manufacturing jobs tend to pay better than other kinds of work. The average manufacturing salary in Pennsylvania pays $59,000, according to Eileen Cipriani, the state’s deputy secretary of labor and industry. The average salary in the state is about $52,000.