Tag: networks

Catching Up with the CI Networks

Post: May. 1, 2019

The Council of Industry network groups are an excellent resource for information and a great way to talk to other people in your field working in a variety of industries throughout the Hudson Valley. In April the EHS Network met to learn more about combustible dust and the CEO/ Executives Network met for a tour of Arconic Fastening Systems in Kingston. You can see what we have planned for May, June and beyond on our website calendar.

If your manufacturing process involves metal industries, food products, lumber or wood products you are probably aware of how dangerous and explosive dust can be but it is always smart to review the best practices necessary to stay safe and that why the Environment Health and Safety Network met on Friday, April 26th for a presentation on Combustible Dust by Nancy Garry, C.T. Male PC. Garry covered why this is an important topic, what industries need to be aware and what testing can be done. She covered the Dust Explosion Pentagon (conditions necessary for an explosion) and ways to prevent these from forming and hazard assessments that can be conducted. Attendees were also provided with reference tables and a few links to sites that offer further information on the topic.

On April 26 the Executives Network met for a tour of Arconic Fastening Systems in Kingston, NY. Arconic Fastening Systems is the premier designer and manufacturer of aerospace and industrial fasteners, latches, bearings, fluid fittings and installation tools. Their products are used nose to tail on commercial and military aircraft, as well as on jet engines, industrial gas turbines, automobiles, commercial transportation vehicles, wind turbines, solar power systems, and construction and industrial equipment. Arconic has been in business since 1933, and a Council of Industry member since 1967. The company was formerly known as Alcoa Fastening Systems and Huck Manufacturing Company. Their customers include Boeing, Airbus, Peterbilt, Kenworth and many more. We saw a variety of tools in all sizes and the process behind their production.

We take a break from Network meetings in May to focus on our Manufacturing Champions Award Breakfast on May 17th at the Powelton Club in Newburgh but we start back up in June. The Human Resources Network will meet on June 7th for a presentation on Wage & Hour Law from Douglas Gerhardt, Harris Beach PLLC. This presentation will cover the essentials of Wage and Hour issues including recent developments as well as compensable time such as “off the clock”, meals, rest, waiting and on-call time.  We will explore some exempt employee issues as well.  Attendees will walk away with a solid understanding (or refresher) on the key elements of wage and hour issues and be better prepared to address them in their workplace. We will also have another CEO/ Executives Network Tour, this time of McKesson Corporation Distribution Center in Montgomery. Our EHS Network will be back in the fall with a presentation on confined space and HR will have an I9/ Immigration update in September, watch our calendar and emails for more information on all of these.  


Dark Skies – Why is it important and what can you do about it

Post: Feb. 21, 2019
photo credit Laurie Blake, Selux

What is the one pollution that we can easily alleviate with no lasting detriment to our environment? Light pollution, and it affects more than just our ability to see the stars at night. On Wednesday, February 20th, Selux Corporation in Highland, NY hosted the first meeting of The Council of Industry’s Engineering/ Technical Network with a presentation on Understanding Dark Skies by James Brigagliano, LC, IES, LEED Green Assoc. and Product Manager for Selux.  The event included a delicious breakfast and a tour of the manufacturing facility after the presentation. This topic is especially relevant to Selux because they manufacture IDA-Approved Dark Sky friendly luminaires. 

Light pollution disrupts the world’s ecosystem. According to darksky.org, “Scientific evidence suggests that artificial light at night has negative and deadly effects on many creatures including amphibians, birds, mammals, insects and plants” This includes people, negatively affecting human health, increasing risks for obesity, depression, sleep disorders, diabetes, breast cancer and more. It is also estimated that 30% of all outdoor lighting in the US is wasted or unnecessary, this equals $3.3 billion dollars in wasted energy. New technology can help to conserve this energy and reduce the wasted light.

Redirecting outdoor lighting at night can increase safety. Glare from bright, unshielded lights actually decreases safety because it can shine into our eyes and constricts our pupils. This can not only be blinding, it also makes it more difficult for our eyes to adjust to low-light conditions. Smart lighting redirects light to where it is needed.

Selux has many outdoor fixtures that meet the IDA (International Dark-sky Association) Seal of Approval meaning they minimize glare, reduce light trespass and don’t pollute the night sky. Their recommendation is that to minimize the harmful effects of light pollution, lighting should:

  • Only be on when needed
  • Only light the area that needs it
  • Be no brighter than necessary
  • Minimize blue light emissions
  • Be fully shielded (pointing downward)

“James’ presentation was very informative, and it was great to learn more about light pollution and the possible solutions from someone who is so passionate about the subject. I think everyone there got a lot out of it!” said Serena Cascarano. Following the presentation, attendees were treated to a tour of the manufacturing facility. The presentation itself was held in Selux’s showroom with a variety of amazing lighting fixtures for both in and outdoors. We hope you will join us for the next Engineering/Technical Network presentation/tour and invite our members to submit ideas for future topics and locations.

If you have a presentation idea or would like to host the next Engineering/ Technical event please contact Alison Butler (abutler@councilofindustry.org).