Post: Apr. 17, 2019
Global NY is Recruiting for MEDTEC China 2019
Global NY is recruiting up to 10 NYS small businesses to participate in an organized trade mission to MEDTEC China 2019 in Shanghai. MEDTEC China, the leading medical device design and manufacturing exhibition in China, will take place on September 25-27, 2019 at the Shanghai World EXPO Exhibition & Convention Centre. It is a premier manufacturing and sourcing event for medical device manufacturers in China. Key industries include: Assembly Equipment & Production Machinery, Materials for Every Application, Packaging, Sterilization & Cleanroom Equipment, Plastics/Disposable Devices & Diagnostics, Outsourcing/Contract Manufacturing, Motors, Pumps & Motion Control, IVD Suppliers, Quality, Precision Technology, Medical Electronics.
Why Export to China?
• China is New York’s #2 Buyer.
• China is currently the United States’ third-largest export market.
• New York exported approximately $12.6 billion in goods to China in 2018.
• China is seeking high-tech products and services from NY Companies.
For eligible companies, Global NY’s STEP grant can reimburse a significant portion of your exhibit, travel and accommodation expenses. You also will be eligible to apply for Global NY’s customized Export Marketing Assistance Service (EMAS) in China.
Application Deadlines and Details:
The deadline for applying to participate in MEDTEC China 2019 is May 31, 2019.
Follow this link to download a PDF with more information
From EHS Today By Dave Blanchard
Companies have long turned to technology to drive their productivity, but the dirty-little-secret nobody likes to talk about is that worker safety often takes a back seat to productivity. That trade-off, fortunately, may soon be a thing of the past thanks to a new breed of safety tech. With the emergence of such technologies as robotics, augmented reality, wearable devices and predictive analytics, organizations are discovering that it’s not only possible but preferable to adopt digital technologies that enhance the safety of the workplace.
Some are calling this movement Safety 4.0, a spin-off of Industry 4.0 (aka the Internet of Things). The IoT’s proponents have focused largely on connected devices that can monitor and communicate diagnostic data throughout an entire network, a boon for predictive maintenance on all types of computerized devices, from production machinery to hospital equipment to transportation vehicles. Taking that concept into the safety arena, though, shifts the focus from the machine to the worker. And the possibilities for improving employee safety are limited only by the imagination.
Read the full article at
From The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)
Trade is important for New York, helping New Yorkers sell more of what they make to more customers around the world. More sales equal more well-paying jobs and a stronger economy across the state. New York’s ability to sell more American-made products to Canada and Mexico is tied directly to tariff-free and rules-based trade in North America.
New York Without the U.S.–Mexico–Canada Trade Agreement: Less Manufacturing and Fewer Jobs
Without tariff-free trade across North America secured by a strong trade agreement, New York’s manufactured goods exports to Canada and Mexico could face a minimum of $192 million to $1.5 billion in extra taxes (compared to zero tariffs today). As a result, many of New York’s manufacturers and the workers and communities they support would lose sales as competitors from Europe and Asia continue to enjoy zero tariffs. The result would be less manufacturing production and fewer well-paying American jobs in New York and throughout the United States.
Find out more with this fact sheet from NAM.
From The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)
The North American commercial market is the most important market for manufacturers in the United States. Over one-third of U.S. manufactured exports are sold just to Canada and Mexico, which purchase more from the United States than our next 10 foreign country partners combined.
More than 25 years under the original North American Free Trade Agreement entered into force, the three countries came together to modernize this decades old agreement resulting in the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement that was signed in November 2018. The NAM strongly supports passage of the USMCA as soon as possible this year to ensure manufacturers can grow with certainty with our most important commercial trading partners—Canada and Mexico.
View the USMCA Fact Sheet
Over half of manufacturing voters said in recent polls that they want their member of Congress to approve the USMCA. But manufacturers need to do more to build understanding of how the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) strengthens the partnership we have with Mexico and Canada to modernize North American trade agreements.
Take Action Now
Link to NAM North American Trade
From National Association of Manufacturers,, By David R. Brousell
Opinions about the impact of artificial intelligence today range from the apocalyptic to the miraculous. Media darling Elon Musk of Tesla, for example, thinks AI is an “existential threat” to human civilization. Oracle CEO Mark Hurd believes a battle between the United States and China for “AI supremacy” will have important consequences for the global economy. And Ginny Rometty, IBM’s CEO, is convinced that AI has the power to transform industries in positive ways.
Whatever your view of AI, a term coined in 1955 by the computer scientist John McCarthy, the technology is at the forefront of discussions throughout society today, leading a debate about the future of work, jobs, and even what it means to be human. And as the manufacturing industry transitions to the digital era, AI is being viewed as central to leveraging the vast amounts of data that factories and plants will generate to do everything from improving operational efficiency to creating new, competitive advantages.
“Industrial AI can give the Fourth Industrial Revolution a huge boost and take Industrie 4.0 and similar initiatives to the next level,” said Roland Busch, Chief Operating Officer, CTO, and Member of the Managing Board of Siemens AG, in an article posted on the World Economic Forum’s website in January.
In an attempt to separate the hype from the reality of AI, and to take the measure of where AI and its cousin machine learning stand in manufacturing today, the Manufacturing Leadership Council undertook its first ever survey on manufacturers’ attitudes, plans, projects, and expectations with the technology earlier this year.
Chief among the survey’s findings is that, despite the hype, the 64-year old concept is at an early stage in most manufacturing companies. And while many companies expect AI to displace significant percentages of their workforces, they also anticipate that many of the displaced workers will be retrained for other roles in their companies, undercutting the notion that AI will inevitably lead to a vast wasteland of unemployed people. Moreover, a majority believes that while AI and machine learning are significant, they will not be transformative for the manufacturing industry.
Read the full article.
From, By John Hitch
Luckily for industrial workers everywhere, Lt. Edward Wheatley Bullard of the U.S. Cavalry climbed out of the French trenches with an idea that would spark the industrial safety movement: the hard hat. Bullard, the son of a mining equipment supplier, was inspired by the metal helmets doughboys wore to deflect the hail of bullets raining down on them courtesy of the Kaiser. When he returned home, he invented the first commercially available industrial hard hat, called the Hard Boiled hat. Prior to its invention and subsequent production in San Francisco, gold and copper miners in California and Nevada basically wore leather caps—which might not be all that good at stopping hail, let alone the rocks or tools potentially pouring down on them.
Now one hundred years later, Bullard’s great granddaughter, current Bullard CEO Wells Bullard, recounts how this now 100-year-old equipment was invented and how it redefined protecting the workforce.
Read full article