Survey Says…..
During the month of March the Council conducted a “Workforce Skills Needs Assessment” of our members. While the results are still being organized and tabulated here are some highlights:
- 60% of respondents reported difficulty filling current positions
- Most vacant positions are in the areas of production, assembly and customer service which require only a high school degree.
- The next level position that is very difficult to fill – and key to the success of the firms – is at the engineer level.
- 64% of respondents believe the lack of skilled labor is having a negative affect on their business. Of those 45% say that negative affect is very strong.
40% of respondents ranked “Making sure high school students are proficient in basic skills (reading, writing, math) was the most important thing the high schools could do to provide a skilled manufacturing workforce while 22% responded that internships/on-the-job training was the best way to prepare high school students.More to come as we sort through the data.