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Manufacturing Company Offers Drug Treatment Program to Applicants

Post: Jul. 27, 2018

Belden, a manufacturing company in Richmond, Indiana, extrudes, weaves, and coats wires that are used in television and Internet installation. The company has been in operation for over a century and is the second largest employer in Wayne County. However, more recently the company is getting attention for their drug treatment program. The program, paid for by the company, allows job applicants who fail the drug screen to receive treatment, and a job offer upon completion.

The drug epidemic is making it increasingly difficult for companies to find qualified workers. Specifically in the manufacturing industry it’s become a challenge to find skilled workers to fill open positions as the current workforce nears retirement age, and even more so when applicants cannot pass drug screens. This program, which is considered to be the first of its kind, gives applicants the chance to improve themselves and the company at the same time. So far they’ve experienced great success and have filled 17 positions though this program in just 4 months.

There are several challenges though, most notably the cost. The initial estimate for treatment was $5,000 per participant, but as with anything there were unanticipated factors that increased the cost further. Some individuals required transportation to the treatment, and participants can’t begin work until they’re drug-free for several months. However, the company is entirely committed to this solution and they feel that the benefits will soon outweigh the costs.

To find out more about the program, and how its help Belden’s employees, you can read the full article here.