Our Blog

Manufacturing Champions: 1 Day to Go

Post: May. 11, 2016

manufacturing champion award

It’s almost here. We’ve been counting the days until our Manufacturing Champions Breakfast for over a month now, and now it’s only a day away. In that time we’ve introduced you to this year’s winners, given a brief history of the awards, and now for the final blog entry before this year’s awards are given out we thought we should explain a little bit about how our Champions are selected.

The process is actually very simple. It begins with the community, and paperwork. Early each year the Council sends out invitations to businesses, schools, and not-for-profits in the Hudson Valley asking them to submit for consideration any individual or organization they feel is deserving of he award. Once the paperwork is filed the nominees are then presented to the Council’s Board of Directors in a private meeting where they face the difficult task of whittling the long roster of potential recipients down to four Champions. There are so many deserving names that no one has ever been named a Champion twice. While the Board’s personal experience plays a role in determining the winners, a detailed and well articulated nomination form is the most important asset for a nominee.