COVID 19 Update 80
Regional Monitoring Groups Looking for “Hot Spots” to “Tamp Down”
Each region of the state has a panel of community members and state officials tasked with monitoring the spread of the coronavirus in their region. They follow key metrics and are looking for “hot spots” or places where mini-outbreaks are occuring. The hope is to catch and “tamp down” these hot spots before they become widespread. should your business become connected to a “hot spot” either directly or through and employee, customer, supplier or the like, it will be important for you to have your reopening plan up to date and fully implemented. If you have not yet certified your reopening plan with the state you should do so ASAP
Remember, even if you have been open as “essential” all through the pandemic you still must have a reopening plan and certify with the the state.
A New, More Detailed (if difficult to navigate) Health Metrics Website Shows the Trends in Each Region
The trends look great – let’s hope they stay that way.
U.S. Labor Market Unexpectedly Improves
The U.S. economy unexpectedly added jobs in May after suffering record losses in the prior month, offering the clearest signal yet that the downturn triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic was probably over, though the road to recovery could be long.
The Labor Department’s closely watched employment report on Friday also showed the jobless rate falling to 13.3% last month from 14.7% in April, a post World War Two high. But the improvement was unequal, with the unemployment rate for whites posting a record decline, but rising for blacks and Asians.
New York City Reopening: Phase One & Two Guidelines
The Governor’s office has released guidelines and business safety templates for NYC industries that will be allowed to begin reopening in phase one and phase two. The New York City region is on track to begin phase one of reopening on June 8th. Phase two is projected to begin two weeks after the start of phase one. The New York City region includes the Bronx, Kings, New York, Richmond, and Queens counties.
Phase one industries include Construction, Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting, Retail (Limited to curbside or in-store pickup or drop off), Manufacturing, and Wholesale Trade. Guidance for these industries can be found here.
Phase two industries include offices, real estate, essential and in-store retail, vehicle sales and rentals, retail rental, repair and cleaning, hair salons and barbershops, commercial building management, and outdoor and take-out/delivery food services.
NYC Guidance for these industries can be found here.
EPA, White House Speed Up Permitting Processes
Infrastructure projects will play a big role in getting Americans back to work and accelerating our recovery. The administration took two actions this week that will speed up the permitting process and help get these projects underway, consistent with the NAM’s advocacy. First, the EPA issued a rule that will protect the nation’s waterways while also ensuring that vital energy infrastructure projects aren’t blocked for political reasons. Then, yesterday, President Trump issued an infrastructure executive order that will prioritize infrastructure projects and help manufacturers invest in our communities while protecting the environment.
COVID-19 & Workers’ Compensation Q&A Now Available from State Workers Comp Board
The Board has published a COVID-19 & Workers’ Compensation Q&A document to answer questions about workers’ compensation benefits to employees who get COVID-19 while on the job. This Q&A is available on the Board’s website and its content is outlined below.
FOR EMPLOYEES: If you believe you became ill with COVID-19 due to your work, you should tell your employer as soon as possible, file an Employee Claim (Form C-3) with the Board, and see a doctor to obtain a diagnosis. For more details, please see the How Do I File a Claim? section below.
FOR EMPLOYERS: If a worker reports that they are sick due to a workplace exposure, you must contact your workers’ compensation insurance carrier immediately. The insurance carrier then has 18 days to act on the claim and must begin paying benefits within this time frame if the claim is accepted. Please share this information with your employees.
Visit Board’s COVID Response site
What Will Manufacturing’s New Normal Be After COVID-19?
History teaches us that short-term measures taken in response to global crises lead to changes that last for decades. What most of us consider normal has already fundamentally shifted. Manufacturers who understand and act on this new normal will have ample opportunities for growth.
Webinar: Dealing with Supply Chain Disruption – Strategies to help your firm manage risk and maintain operational flexibility in your supply chain.
Wednesday, June 10th, 2020 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
The Council of Industry will host a webinar on Wednesday, June 10th Featuring Clarkson University’s Dr. Dennis Yu, Associate Professor of Operations & Information Systems and Associate Dean of Graduate Programs & Research, And John Mead, VP at Totalogistix.
We will discuss strategies to help your firm manage risk and maintain operational flexibility in your supply chain.
Dr. Yu will provide an overview including:
– Definition of supply chain risks
– How to assess supply chain vulnerability
– Key strategies such as mitigation strategies and contingency planning to build a resilient supply chain.
John Mead will provide some real world examples of how his clients have dealt with critical these challenges and implemented these strategies. He will discuss Risk Mitigation by illustrating the qualities of a low risk model and a high risk model as it relates to:
– Sourcing
– Warehousing
– Transportation
Providing case studies and examples for each.