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COVID 19 Update 7.1

Post: Mar. 18, 2020

Cuomo: “no business can have more than 50 percent of their workforce report to work” Does This Include Manufacturing? We want to know too.


Latest Guidance includes the following language “Exceptions Made for Essential Services — Including Shipping Industry, Warehouses, Grocery and Food Production, Pharmacies, Media, Banks and Related Financial Institutions, and Businesses Essential to Supply Chain”

Still seeking further clarification.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Wednesday a statewide mandate that no business can have more than 50 percent of their workforce report to work outside of their home.

During a news conference in Albany, Gov. Cuomo said some of the exemptions to this mandate will be food services and food delivery services, pharmacies, health care organizations, and shipping companies. A full list of essential services will be released soon. 

5:00 p.m. Still no update from the Governor’s office –

We are making the case that you are not only essential but that your facilities are already in keeping with the intent of the order by maintaining adequate space for workers to keep social distance.

While we continue to make the case for manufacturers to be exempt I suggest you begin planning to operate at 50% staffing.  Ideas to get there….

  • Expand the number of people working from home.
  • Multiple shifts (if your headcount is 100 and you can get 20 working from home and then do 2 shifts of 50 during the day you have met the requirements.