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COVID 19 Update 69

Post: May. 24, 2020

Mid-Hudson Region Will Begin Phase 1 Reopening Tuesday May 26th

During Saturday’s Press Conference Governor Cuomo announced that The Mid-Hudson region has met the criteria in the decline in the number of deaths. Contact tracers will be trained over this weekend and the Mid-Hudson region will open on Tuesday. The Hudson Valley region includes Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster and Westchester counties.

All businesses must implement a COVID response plan that meets the guidelines set forth on the NY forward website here

You can use this template at a guide.

And you MUST READ AND AFFIRM that you have done so here

You MUST KEEP A COPY OF YOU PLAN ON HAND AND BE READY TO PRODUCE IT TO LOCAL HEALTH OR LAW ENFORCEMENT AUTHORITIES.  Remember that enforcement will be complaint driven so you should take seriously the training and communication portions of the requirements.

Phase one of reopening means the following:

    1. If you are manufacturer operating as essential you can continue as before BUT YOU STILL NEED TO HAVE A PLAN AND AFFIRM THAT YOU DO.
    2. If you are a manufacturer operating as essential because you supply essential businesses you can now also work on non-essential orders. BUT YOU STILL NEED TO COMPETE HAVE A PLAN AND AFFIRM THAT YOU DO.
    3. If you were not operating because you were non-essential you can reopen May 26th WITH YOUR COVID RESPONSE PLAN IN PLACE.

If you have questions you can email me at hking@councilofindustry.org   We also encourage you, or someone from your team, to attend Wednesday’s Webinar focusing on communicating effectively and transparently with your employees.  See Below for details

Returning to Work: Managing Employee Anxieties and Leading to Accelerate Your Company’s Return to Profits & Growth

Wednesday, May 27th 2020, 1:00pm – 2:30pm

Cost: No charge for members

Skip Weisman is the Hudson Valley’s premier business coach focusing on transforming mediocre, stagnant, or negative work environments into championship company cultures the are more positive, more productive and even more profitable. Skip is the only certified Great Game of Business Open Book Management Coach in New York and he works with manufacturing companies to implement a systematic process of financial transparency that brings employee accountability to the workplace.

To register click here

Timing of Phase 2 Reopening Will be “Judgement Call.”

When asked by a reporter when phase one regions can expect to move into phase two, the Governor stated that while the rule of thumb has been two weeks there is no hard or fast number. Phase one was different as it has a hard start or stop based upon the criteria. Phase two is more of a judgement call when the numbers are stabilized.

Read the press release here