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COVID 19 11.1

Post: Mar. 22, 2020

“Non-Essential” – Questions We Are Asking

The vast majority of Council member manufacturers are essential businesses under the Governor’s executive order. For the handful of members not essential and for many of our associate members as well we are seeking clarification on 2 significant questions.

Q:    If we are non-essential but have applied for a waiver can we stay open until the request is answered, or do we need to close? 

A:    We do not have clarification on this but our initial understanding is the you must close pending a decision by ESD.

Q:     In order to keep our site safe and secure we cannot simply lock the door and stay home, machines need to be shut down properly and we have materials in storage that need to be monitored.  Can we send some people in to make sure we are “safe and  secure?”

A:     We are also seeking to clarify that question.  We believe that if the proper shut down and monitoring of your facility is critical to the safety of the public and your future operations, you can have the minimum staff needed to accomplish that in place.


US Commerce Department Request for Information on Any Supply Chain Issues Manufactures are Experiencing 

The US Commercial Services Department wants to know if you are experiencing supply chain issues  related to coronavirus.  Some of those may be due to international disruptions; some may be about the Defense Production Act; others may be about domestic U.S. issues.  Since supply chain issues are being dealt with out of the White House, the Commerce Department’s Westchester Business Assistance Center is logging concerns, which will be consolidated and sent to the White House.

Please send of these issues to Harold King and he will forward them to the Center or you can send them directly to:

Michael Grossman, Senior International Trade Specialist,
U.S. Commercial Service U.S. Department of Commerce | International Trade Administration
245 Main St., Suite 390 | White Plains, NY 10601   914.682.6712       914.441.2528

The information will be sent to the White House.  Your concerns and the issues you face will hopefully help with crafting government responses.